Why Us?


Teachers vetted for Safety, Musicianship, and passion for teaching

We know teachers, and when we bring new teachers on to our team, we meet them in person to make sure they meet our standards:

  • They have advanced understanding of music and their instrument;
  • They have a well developed teaching philosophy formed from years of experience;
  • They have a passion and enthusiasm for teaching students of all ages and experience.

All of our teachers go through a finger-print background check.


Enjoy the benefits of music from your home

Music education has benefits from increased math skills, problem solving skills, and higher academic test scores. Unfortunately, driving to a music studio, waiting at the studio, and fighting traffic on the way back can fill your entire afternoon.

Let us come to you, so you can spend that time however you like - being productive at home, relaxing, or simply listening to your child develop on their instrument!


Holidays and Summer Vacations

Unlike many other programs, we allow families to cancel their scheduled lesson for a refund when it lands on one of many holidays throughout the year, including a week for Thanksgiving, two-weeks or more for Winter Break, a week for Spring Break and other federal holidays.

During Summer, families can cancel up to 2 lessons per month for a full refund.